Call For Nominations to the 2014 Board

Nominations Requested

As our annual general meeting approaches all members once again have a chance to participate more by becoming part of the 2014 board. Apart from regular board positions there is the President, Vice President and committee chair positions for many areas such as membership, communications, social activities, golf tournament, etc. These are all areas of focus more or less dealt collectively by past boards and which could thrive much more with a champion. We always want to hear from you if you have a particular interest in any of these areas,  but also want to work with you.

So here’s your chance to make a difference for the Irish community in Nova Scotia.

We have a lot of new members, younger members, who we hope can play a role in the board’s evolution with new ideas and revived efforts to the board. Of course, long term members are also encouraged to offer their talents and help bring to action some of their vision of our association.

Nominations will be accepted up to the AGM on Dec 12th, 2013 and to be confirmed through a vote at the general assembly.

Those interested can submit a nomination at our monthly meeting to be held at 7:30pm Sunday December 8th at the boardroom / center at St. John The Baptist, 26 Purcell’s Cove Rd. , Halifax or contacting a board member you know or directly with Troy, our immediate past president and chair of the nominating committee via email or on 902.222.5201.

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